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April 02, 2008


Dan Hays

Thanks, John, for the link. I tested out highest at Emergent/Postmodern-82% with Roman Catholic a close second at 79%. You've got a bit more Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan in you than I do, but we're pretty close on the liberal categories. For some reason, I peg 39% on the Charismatic/Pentecostal meter. Maybe it's because I'm in contact with Pentecostals on a regular basis here. Or I'm just beginning to get in touch with my inner Holy Roller.


I took the quiz and posted it over at my blog . . . who knew I was a Holiness guy?

John Petty

My two highs were RC and postmodern, which, I got to thinking later, kind of made sense. If you "mooshed" an RC and a postmodern, you might very well get a Lutheran.

Chris, I had that weird "holiness" thing going on too--a bit less than you, but still pretty high.

Interesting that none of us liberals were all that liberal theologically. A Catholic bishop friend of mine once described himself as "a theological conservative and a social justice liberal." I can identify with that.


I had the same order as you except I had classical liberal above modern liberal, and I was slightly higher (79%) on both Catholic and postmodern. I agree that Lutheran makes sense as a cross between postmodern and Catholic.

I was curious about your answer to this question:

"Bishop Spong is an important theologian who should be taken seriously"

I had to disagree with that, not because I think he's an arch-heretic, but because I just don't think he's an important theologian. In fact, I'm not even sure I'd call him a theologian. He strikes me more as...I want to say something like social activist, but that's not right...I think maybe the best way to describe him is as an evangelist, much as that would irk his detractors.

Anyway, if I recall correctly, you're a fan, right? So I was curious to hear what you thought.

John Petty

I think I said, "Agree slightly." I don't think he's a major theologian, but I could go with something like "teacher." Frankly, Spong mostly says what I learned in seminary. He just doesn't fudge about it like the rest of us do.

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