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June 20, 2008



It will be very difficult not to say "I told you so."


So we should all say it, and frequently!


So we should all say it, and frequently!


I for one am not going to step up and support him on the FISA bill. Surely you don't have to be a High Liberal to see the problem with FISA?

I did like Obama's statement, which could be summed up as 'Trust me.' Rather like his whole campaign, in fact.

I swung by Obama's web site and the stuff on campaign finance reform got erased faster than Father Pfleger.

John Petty

Obviously, Pelosi et. al. think this will help in the fall election. We'll see.


I note that my earlier post seems to imply that I would like to get rid of FISA. This is definitely not the case.

John Petty


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