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June 18, 2008


Ron Robertson

It's also disappointing to see Lee Hamilton on the list. Where is Scott Reed, where are the people who were RIGHT on WMDs?


John Petty

I'm hoping that this is kind of a "mis-direction" and that the REAL foreign policy team will be a bit different.


Change we can believe in. Sam Nunn. Incredible. I think I’m going to enjoy the coming months, as the Obama lefties choke down whatever dainties of compromise the Hope of the Nation elects to serve them.

I expect Samantha Power will be back eventually, not that I would regard that as wonderful news. Robert Malley is probably gone for good.


They did throw in Madeline Albright, I'd imagine as a sop to Clinton supporters.

John Petty

There were a couple of other Clinton-ites on the list too. Of course, considering that there's only been one Democratic administration in the past 28 years, there would just about have to be a few.

John Petty

I'm not familiar with Malley, nor a couple of the others. Some say they're the best of the bunch.

I've never seen the attraction with Sam Nunn, or Boren either. Plus, they've both been out of office for years.

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