My favorite moment in all the "West Wing" episodes is toward the end of the series when Jimmy Smits was the Democratic candidate running to succeed Josiah Bartlett. In one of his speeches, he says, strongly and to great applause, "I am proud to be a member of the Democratic Party." Sure, it's Hollywood, but I remember thinking, "Gosh, wouldn't that be great to hear from our candidate."
Anglachel looks through her mail and finds two fundraising appeals--one from McCain and one from Obama.
In the RNC sending, the Republican Party and the RNC are mentioned 24 times in the letter and another 12 times on the donation coupon. In addition, the letter mentions Democrats 7 times, 4 of which use the locution "Obama Democrats" anf three of which juxtapose "liberal" with "Democrat".
In the Obama sending, there is no mention of the Democratic Party, the DNC (except possibly a small code with the letters "DNC" as part of the code at the edge of the payment coupon), or of Obama and/or Biden's political affiliation. The word "Republican" is used once, on the last page of the letter.