Maybe it's just me, or maybe McCain's trolls have hit the internets, but I see more criticism of Obama in the comments sections of blogs than I ever have before. During the nominating process, commenters on blogs and newspaper articles, were overwhelming pro-Obama--(sometimes obnoxiously so). That seems to have changed.
Good night people, your candidate has had a rough couple of weeks, but this is no time to panic. Many of Obama's supporters are young males and relatively new to politics. They haven't yet learned that campaigns ebb and flow. There's plenty of time for another surge or two by both candidates.
Take to heart the advice of Robert Kennedy, who, when asked about campaign momentum, turned existentialist and said that you try things in a campaign, and if they don't work, you try something else, and if that doesn't work, you try yet something else, and, out of that, a momentum develops "which can carry you through."