She said she was going to run no matter what when she was in upstate New York last week. At the time, she was being criticized for seeking an appointment rather than displaying the expected and customary "fire in the belly" and running for the office. Now, after having been criticied for trying to muscle her way in to the appointment, she has decided to back off a notch and proclaim her support for whomever gets appointed. From the New York Times interview:
NC: You said that you would run — and this earned you, I think, some applause from Democrats who were skeptical before, but you said you would support in 2010, whoever the governor appoints, but it occurred to me to wonder why: Why not run if you want this job? If you were sincere about this job, why not run in 2010 regardless of what happens in the next two months?
CK: Well, you know, I’m a Democrat, a loyal Democrat, I would support whoever the governor appoints, and as I said, I think there are many ways to serve and advance the issues that I care about, and I have a long time to do that, so I plan, in 2010, to support the Democrat.
That, of course, would be the complete opposite of what she said last week. This is reminiscent of Walt Whitman, who said, "Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes." The truth is, of course, that like every other prospective candidate, 2010 is two years away, and she may or may not run in 2010 depending on what the political landscape looks like at that time.