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January 16, 2009



John, Seattle Weekly profiled this tool and his congregation some years ago. I believe he was the one who blamed Ted Haggard's straying on his wife's weight gain. Right now they are all home-schooling, of course, but they are planning for the day when there are enough of them (they breed fast, at his direction) to take over the school board. Give me the conservative looking church with the liberal outlook any day.

Rachel Hallowell

I read that article in NYT and it freaked me out. Pretty much gave me that same response as you: whoa. We have pills for that now, dude.

I don't even know what to think, though! It's so astonishing to me. I don't know much about the current religious landscape in the US, but that's just wayyy over the top to me. And frightening.


Someone asked me today whether there was Church of Calvin..such as Wesley's Methodist or Luther's
I had to say "No" and here are my thoughts on why:
1)The fact that Only God knows who is saved ..No one knows who is "elected" or "saved" except God. If anyone wants to know who is "elect" that person must find God and ask Him.
2) Fact #1 brings a person face to face with a living God..who may or may not be the "god" the person imagines God to be.
3) There are two types of people who are usually not Calvinists..One type is the one who says "God is ...list of adjectives..I don't believe in God." The other one states, "God is ..list of adjectives, I believe in God."
As a Calvinist..God is to be known, loved, served, not as I imagine Him to be, but as He has revealed Himself in the Holy Scripture and through the Holy Spirit. God is not created in the imagined image of man..by man.
I think Mr. Driscoll is taking exception to the cartoon or comic Book "list of adjectives" either verbal or visual being presented as the vision of Christ and God.
Calvin talks about a living God and time eternal..That is singularly enchanting..And Calvin addresses a personal relationship with that God which is not a structural methodology that translates easily into a "denomination."

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