Maureen Dowd started her column today by writing about Arne Duncan, then Timothy Geithner, but somehow--as per usual--didn't wait long before turning her attention to the Clintons. The seque was rough--indeed, nonsensical:
But Obama has proselytized about a shiny new kind of politics, and it’s déjà vu all over again with the smart being dumb, the rich being greedy, the powerful being sketchy.
Did that make any sense to you? Me neither. In any case, somehow:
This brings us to the Clintons...
She will easily intimidate the world’s dictators, just as she often intimidated Obama in the primaries. But it remains to be seen whether she can put aside her tendency to see disagreement as disloyalty. Can she work at the State Department with those who deserted her to support the usurper Obama? Can she manage Foggy Bottom better than she managed her foggy campaign?
Obama and Hillary continue to be engaged in an intense tango.
The question is not IF there will be an interdiction of Obama’s Presidency by the Supreme Court, the questions are WHEN and HOW that interdiction will transpire — that is, if the USA is to continue as the Constitutional Republic that now exists.
Posted by: Ted | January 19, 2009 at 11:36 AM