Beyondchron: “More Catholics than Jews have died in the Holocaust, but this is not usually told because Jews own the world’s propaganda.” The rantings of a KKK member? Or someone from the American Nazi Party? No, it’s a quote from Dadeus Grings, the Catholic archbishop of Porto Alegre in Brazil, home to the country’s third-largest Jewish population.
Archbishop Dadeus Grings also said that Jews act like they were the only victims of the holocaust--"the major victims were the gypsies"--and he thinks the crusades were a good idea. (One wonders what he thinks of the homosexual victims of the holocaust.)
Thousands of Catholic parishes, and millions of Catholic people, do great things each and every day. Yet, unfortunately, the news, quite properly, features stories like the Pope telling Africans that condoms don't work, a Bishop denying the holocaust, Archbishop Burke insulting his fellow bishops, Archbishop Chaput going to the most economically depressed state in the union to talk about abortion, and, now, this yahoo spouting off, probably thinking he's smart doing it.
Photo: Beyondchron