CNN: "Nine in 10 Democrats approve of Clinton -- that's no surprise," said Keating Holland, CNN's polling director. "But by a 50 percent to 43 percent margin, Republicans also think she is doing a good job at the State Department. That's an interesting result for a polarizing figure like Clinton."
NOTE: Holland apparently buys into the standard media narrative that the Clintons are "polarizing figures." Viewed from one angle--30% of the people, over-represented in the media, who absolutely hate the Clintons--then I suppose you could say that they are "polarizing."
If you looked at it from the flip side--the 60% or so of the people who like the Clintons--then you would have to say that they are among the most popular politicians of their time, both in the country and outside it as well.
Besides, that "polarizing" business was the media narrative of the 90's. It's out-of-date now. For one thing, that 30% who used to hate the Clintons no longer do, or at least not as much. If half the Republicans think Hillary's doing a good job, a significant portion of them have flat changed their minds. And for another thing, anyone who can remember the 90's remembers some good economic times, which looks especially appealing right now.