Amount Lawrence Summers, top economic advisor in the Obama administration, received for a speech to Goldman Sachs in April, 2008. He received a total of $2.7 million in speaking fees for various speeches at various Wall Street venues.
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Heckuva speech, Larry.
I’m reminded of Rahm Emanuel’s sojourn in the private sector, where he made millions in a remarkably brief amount of time for work that nobody could get terribly specific about. I don’t begrudge these guys a little money after years in the public sector, but they seem to lose all sense of proportion.
Posted by: Hypatia | April 06, 2009 at 03:44 PM
The same is true of our new senator from Colorado, Michael Bennett. He made a boat-load of money working for local magnate, Philip Anschutz.
I'm like you on this. I don't think they're bad people or anything, only that these are things to be kept in mind in assessing their performance in office.
Plus, can you imagine a speech being worth $135,000?
Posted by: John Petty | April 07, 2009 at 11:24 AM