This ad by the National Organization for Marriage is making the rounds. It features a set of zombie-like people--all paid actors, incidentally--intoning about how marriage equality will change how they live, and how it interferes with their life.
Would you mind running that by one more time and explaining just how it interferes with your life? If every gay couple in the country were married tomorrow, just how would that make one iota of difference in your life?
The poor doctor worries that she will have to choose between her job and her faith. Really? The doctor doesn't want to treat gay people? Someone, please notify the applicable state medical ethics board.
Matthew Yglesias: The closest thing to a legitimate issue here seems to have to do with the Massachusetts public schools. Clearly, a state adopting a non-discriminatory marriage policy doesn’t actually force the state to teach non-discriminatory values in schools. But the two tend to go together. We not only don’t have Jim Crow anymore, but we teach people that racism is wrong. This is, it’s true, a big imposition on racists. And people who don’t like gay people can be legitimately concerned that the spread of gay equality will create an environment in which their children are less likely to share their own prejudices.
It's a pretty desperate ad. The problem is that defeating gay marriage laws won't fix any of the problems mentioned by the actors.
They all stem from state medical boards, city and state anti-discrimination laws and the fact that public schools are multicultural and are going to present views all of us may disagree with.
Posted by: toujoursdan | April 09, 2009 at 11:27 AM
This is upsetting to bigots.
Posted by: John Petty | April 11, 2009 at 08:42 AM