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July 22, 2009



The only consolation in all this is that the Obama people who snarked at "Hillarycare" along with the Republicans and blamed her for the debacle in the nineties are now beginning to realize it's tougher than it looks and sweet talk from The Chosen isn't going to be enough for the forces arrayed against reform.

Which is not to say I don't wish him the best and hope that he gets a decent bill through, for us as well as him. The same thing almost happened with the stimulus bill and it got through. We'll see.

I sure wish we had LBJ right now, though. He'd teach the Blue Dogs to heel.

John Petty

Yes, we'll see. He's purposely trying to avoid what a lot of people see as Clinton's big mistake, which is sending a detailed plan to Congress. Obama may be overcompensating the other way.

Nothing against Obama, but Hillary's grit on this issue--and her willingness to be partisan and fight like hell--is a major reason I supported her.

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