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January 30, 2010



He was masterful! I cheered, laughed and fist-pumped. Unfortunately, I suspect the opposition did the same. I question if they will understand how neatly they were put in their place.


I watched it later on Msnbc, most of it anyway and it was mesmerizing to watch--as if only one person in the room actually understood the whole picture and the rest only had hack-kneed platitudes and talking points. As you suggest, hope that works in their fantasy world, it was just splayed open and dissected before their eyes. How could that not jolt them back into some kind of reality? Well, the "crazy-base" has them by the b*lls. It's sad and angering to be held back by it.

John Petty

Deb, I think they understand, which is why they won't do that again.

Gs, couldn't agree more. That's the problem when you're guided by a rigid ideology.


C'mon PJ: So you're saying, Barry's "victory" was that he scored debating points against the GOP (an assumption that I'll grant only for the sake of argument)....

Wow! Obama roped the dopes and swatted back their meager attempts to, like govern! And went right back out five days later and proposed spending $3.8 TRILLION next year. That's more than $10,000 for every man, woman and child in America. OK. I'm impressed. Obama wins. We lose.

And yet, anyone listening closely with an educated ear, knows that the Republicans, I think, have finally gotten the message that ALL government is spending way to much.

The people finally are starting to understand that it's not the government's money, it's theirs -- and reserving the right to tell elected leaders when and where to spend it (just not NEARLY so much of it).

John Petty

Hi Ed. You should meet my cousin, Mardi. She agrees with you.

My undergraduate degree was in economics and I was taught to be a Keynesian. According to Keynes, who has now been proven right twice, the government should run deficits during recessions. In any case, when revenue drops in a recession, larger deficits are inevitable. Fully one-half of the deficit in Obama's budget is due to the recession alone.


You might want to tell Obama that.

John Petty

Maybe I have. He says he reads bloggers. :)


Were these Republicans asleep for the past 30 years? The worst modern deficits came from Republican Administrations. It was Cheney who said that deficits don't matter.

Want to improve services and bring down the deficit? Reduce the military which accounts for 50% of the federal budget. It's ill-suited for modern warfare anyway.

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