Germany paid off the remaining reparations of their war debt under the terms of the Versailles Treaty. The Versailles Treaty originally called for reparations of 226 billion reichmarks, later reduced to 132 billion, which was, roughly, about $35 billion.
France and Belgium had suffered most during World War 1 and made a strong push for large reparations. The provisions of the Treaty were considered onerous in Germany, and Hitler had considerable political success running against it. During World War 2, Hitler reneged on the Treaty, which added many years to the schedule of repayment.
"On Sunday the last bill is due and the First World War finally, financially at least, terminates for Germany," said Bild, the country's biggest selling newspaper.
Incidentally, Great Britain paid off its World War 2 lend-lease debts to the USA, with interest, about 4-5 years ago.