It took a long time to end slavery; yes it did. But it also took a long time to start slavery, and it started small and it started with seemingly innocent ideas. And then a little court order here and a little court order there, and a little more regulation here and a little more regulation there, and before we knew it America had slavery. It didn't come over on a ship to begin with as an evil slave trade, the government began to regulate things because the people needed answers, they needed solutions. It started in a courtroom and then it went to the legislatures, that's how slavery began.
So said Glenn Beck. "Seemingly innocent ideas"? You mean like kidnapping people and then claiming you "own" them? Who could possibly take offense at an "innocent idea" like that?
This supposed "history" is complete nonsense, like nobody heard of slavery until Big Government tried to regulate it. Egads.
This is the weirdest thing I have heard from anyone on the right fringe. It's like he has an app on his i-phone that spits out random nouns (slavery, court order, regulation) and he made a thesis out of it.
Posted by: lillianjane | October 06, 2010 at 02:31 PM
Really well put. That explains it!
Posted by: John Petty | October 06, 2010 at 04:54 PM