NBC hires a former Republican Congressman, who makes his views known on a variety of subjects just about every day, most of them in line with Republican orthodoxy, yet NBC is shocked, shocked when they find out that Joe Scarborough has contributed to some GOP candidates and--Olbermann redux!--they suspend him from appearing on-air.
This is pure speculation, but I'm guessing that somebody at NBC had it in for Keith Olbermann, who can be, let's say it, insufferable. They thought they could force him out over political donations, but were forced to backtrack because the public was generally on Olbermann's side and they found out that Scarborough, whom they love, had done the same thing.
Having made fools of themselves over Olbermann, they just about had to suspend Scarborough as well in order to spread their foolishness around evenly.
Incidentally, all of the contributions made by both Scarborough and Olbermann were documented, legal, and above-board, unlike, say, anonymous contributions in the millions to various vague-sounding organizations who tried to influence the elections without getting their fingerprints on anything.