See "Two Losers" by Kay at BalloonJuice. Snippet:
After John Kerry lost to George W. Bush, he returned to the Senate and simply did his job there, and he's continued to do his job there.
Kerry lost, big, on climate change this year and he still rallied and led on START, rather than booking time on cable shows to bitch.
Kerry didn't subject the country to two years of bitter griping, temper tantrums and petulant demands. Kerry didn't pursue purely personal vendettas against whole groups of voters who (allegedly) "betrayed" him. Kerry didn't flip-flop on each and every policy position he has ever held. He voted and votes the same way he always did. John McCain, remarkably, considering what we were told about him, has done all those awful things since his loss in 2008.
In the 2004 Presidential election, political media and pundits portrayed John Kerry as an elitist, foppish, slightly silly "flip-flopper" who lacked character and core convictions. The same political media and pundits lovingly and carefully nurtured the fairy tale that John McCain is a rock-ribbed, Country First, straight-shooter. Events since tell a radically different story.