Cong. Danny Davis has pulled out of the Chicago mayoral race. The most direct beneficiary of his withdrawal is Carol Moseley Braun, who is now the only remaining black candidate in the race. State Sen James Meeks withdrew a few days ago.
The other beneficiary is Rahm Emanuel, who has just seen his most important opponent withdraw from the contest. Emanuel is polling at about 30%. Davis had been second with 9%.
Davis said his withdrawal was about clearing the floor so that there would be one African-American candidate, which, now, will be Moseley Braun. Currently running at 6%, she'll have some ground to make up, though her upside potential is pretty good considering that African-Americans make up about 35% of the Democratic Party in Chicago.
Still, Emanuel has been running fairly well across all demographic groups. Davis led Emanuel by only 2 percentage points among African-Americans. With Davis out, some of his support may go to Emanuel.