Just as Dan Quayle lit in to Murphy Brown for having a child out of wedlock, now it's Mike Huckabee who takes on Natalie Portman for the same thing, and thinks "it's unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of wedlock children."
He's giving Hollywood way more influence than it really has. Maybe conservatives follow the personal lives of starlets, but most people just don't give a roarin'-rip and why should they?
I don't know a single person who has "glorified" having children out of wedlock or "glamorized" the idea. Just because we don't shame people any more, or shun them, or drive them out of town when the "baby bump" shows up, or condemns them as "sinners," does not mean that they are thereby "glorified." In fact, all in all, I'd say we're more "Christian" about these things today than we were fifty years ago.
Of course, this is all about selling books anyway. He's trying to score culture war points with the Republican base so they'll buy his books.
If it's a political move, it's not a very good one. Huckabee's only hope to win is by being the right winger who can appeal to the center. He doesn't need to wave culture war flags because he's a southern baptist preacher and gets a pass on that. No, this is about selling books.
Perhaps he is confused because she looked glorious accepting her various best actress awards in formal maternity wear.
I think she is actually engaged to the fellow so it won't be an out of wedlock birth anyway.
Posted by: lillianjane | March 04, 2011 at 02:02 PM
He could also have used Bristol Palin as an example.
Posted by: John Petty | March 08, 2011 at 11:08 AM
In the words of Stephen Colbert: "Look, I'm no fan of single mothers either, but it's Natalie Portman we're talking about. That kid she's pregnant with is Luke Skywalker!"
Posted by: von Gunten | March 09, 2011 at 02:42 AM
Good line!
Posted by: John Petty | March 09, 2011 at 10:35 AM