Perry Bacon has an item in the Washington Post asking if the "birthers" actually help President Obama politically. Bacon notes several occasions in recent weeks where the President has brought the subject up himself. He obviously believes it works in his favor in some way, most likely by high-lighting the extreme views of the opposition.
Donald Trump is going to investigate the whole deal. When House GOP leader Eric Cantor took a cautionary note, Trump upped the ante by declaring that Cantor was making a big mistake because "birther-ism" is a "huge deal" in the GOP. Apparently, he's right. Trump now leads among GOP presidential candidates.
Make that a "Yooge deal."
Posted by: lillianjane | April 18, 2011 at 03:15 PM
Sorry, it's just hard for me to take Trump very seriously.
Posted by: John Petty | April 19, 2011 at 03:03 PM