Is any other profession so prone to charlatans and idiots? Do other people, outside of lawyers, regularly pull their hair out over the antics of people in their same line of work?
As one of my colleagues put it, overheard at synod assembly last week, "Why are half of my colleagues totally awesome and the other half are idiots?"
Apparently, Bradlee Dean, who is "pastor" of a church somewhere in Minneapolis, has a long-standing belief that the president is a Muslim, and chose to accentuate this belief in a prayer in front of the Minnesota State Legislature.
I end with this. I know this is a non-denominational prayer in this Chamber and it's not about the Baptists and it's not about the Catholics alone or the Lutherans or the Wesleyans. Or the Presbyterians the evangelicals or any other denomination but rather the head of the denomination and his name is Jesus. As every President up until 2008 has acknowledged. And we pray it. In Jesus' name.
In the first place, pastor nitwit here doesn't know his history. We have had lots of presidents who would not have met the contemporary evangelical definition of Christian, starting with Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Curiously, Barack Obama is one of a relative handful of presidents who would.
Dean is buddies with Rep. Michelle Bachmann so it's not surprising that he's also a long-time gay-basher--and Muslims, and probably Mexicans, too. He gives the Muslims credit, though, for at least bashing gays. Gays are "criminals," he says, who, on average, each molest 117 other people before "they're found out," and should be prohibited from holding government jobs.
Plus, one wonders: Do most people end their prayers to the Almighty with portentous and self-important remarks like, "I end with this"? And people wonder why Christianity is in decline.