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May 17, 2011



I would certainly not want to try to raise a child by myself, when I see how hard it is even for two people.


Well, no one's accusing Arnold of being a deadbeat or even an absentee father to this child. Shriver backed up the Gropinator when the two of them were gunning for the governorship and he tacitly admitted to groping numerous women, which is a crime of sexual assault. Not the most sympathetic of wronged wives, on the face of it.

John Petty

Yeah, he did right by the woman, sort of. Course, he can afford to.


Yes, he could afford it, and of course it would have been dangerous not to do so, even if the tabloids are interested only in Democratic sex scandals.


At least he was a devout enough catholic not to use a condom for his philandering.

John Petty

Yes, LJ, there is that.

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