The ever-scowling Charles Krauthammer says President Obama is a "hyper-liberal." His three examples are individual mandates on health care, the stimulus, and cap-and-trade.
Two out of three of those "hyper-liberal" ideas--mandates and cap-and-trade--were Republican to begin with. The other one--the stimulus--was half tax cuts, so half of that was GOP as well.
Krauthammer acknowledges his candidate got beat on Medicare in New York's 26th CD. It wasn't their message that lost it, says Krauthammer reassuringly. They lost because they had a bad candidate--"weak, defensive, unschooled and unskilled"--and the electorate was manipulated.
True believers always suppose that their cause is so manifestly right that the only way they can lose is if they aren't true enough to it. This is rather like Biblical Israel. Whenever anything bad happened, it was because those other people were sinning too much.
If they lose, it can never be the message, only that the messenger didn't say it correctly, or because those dastardly minions of Satan confused the gullible and easily manipulated public.
Gosh, if they could just train their candidates to speak about ending Medicare without it sounding like they're ending Medicare, they might have a chance!