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July 28, 2011


Brant Clements

Nicely done, John. I've given you a link on my own blog.

Steve Martin

"In the beginning was the Bible, and the Bible was with God, and the Bible was God."

Too many of my Lutheran brothers and sisters have hitched their doctrine of the Word to that of the Southern Baptists. And too many of my Lutheran brothers and sisters have thrown God's Word overboard for more generous words and have placed trying to fix this world above over and above the proclaiming of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

There must be a middle ground.

There is, actually.

John Petty

Thanks, Brant. I'd have found it anyway. I check your blog 2-3 times a week.

Steve, yes, there is middle ground. That way, you get shot at by both sides. ;)

Steve Martin

You are absolutely right, John!

But one gets used to it.

John Petty

Thanks for your visit Steve. (I always especially like it when people say I'm right. Hey, it doesn't happen that often!)

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