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October 03, 2011


Brother Bartimaeus

Thanks as always for this John. Is it valid to see Jesus/Matthew's use of "eklectoi" in the last sentence as word play?

In other words, pre-Jesus the Chosen ones are those chosen by God, but now it is those who have chosen to follow and clothe themselves in Christ (the impetus is on Man not God to be part of the Kingdom).

Which leads to my other question, can the second "are" be translated as "have", or it the Greek more specific? It seems that the final message of the parable would be more clear if it could translate to: For many are called, but few have chosen.



Dianne Aid

Thank you, I am struggling with what to say about this Gospel tomorrow, you have put a very good turn on it for me.

Dianne Aid, TSSF
Auburn, Washington

John Petty

David, I don't see anything about the people themselves doing any "choosing" in this parable. It's rather about God's choice of us, not our choice of God. The guy without a wedding robe had already been chosen, but didn't want to act like it. Thanks for your visit.

Diane, thanks for your visit as well. I'm curious: What's TSSF?

John Petty

Oops. Also David, I was going to check the Greek on your question, but spaced it until just now. I'll try to remember to do that later. Thanks!

pax, jp

Brother Bartimaeus

I'll admit that as an anabaptist, we might not see it the same. :) It does seem to me that the entire parable is all about choices made regarding joining the call to participate in the kingdom. Do the "called out ones" choose to participate? No, they would rather avoid the call by choosing farm, business (mammon), or killing the messenger.

I've aso read it was customary for wedding participants to have been provided robes, which means the guy without one made a choice not to wear it (I.e. not clothed in Christ).

John Petty

Actually, I kind of agree with you, though "choice" is not a word that comes easily to a Lutheran. I do think the parable is about "rising to the occasion" so to speak, and putting on the wedding garment of new life, which means living in line with the values of the kingdom.

You'd enjoy my text study group.

Brother Bartimaeus

Thanks John, I'm sure I would. However the commute from Virginia would be a bit taxing.

Coach outlet store

I suggested that rapid and accelerating changes in the way that legal process work (the gathering and organization of documents and information) is staffed and priced has significantly influenced the extent of the associate layoffs and the reduction in entry-level hiring among larger law firms in the last few years. The result is that most large law firms have far fewer partnership-track associates today than they did, say, five years ago, and that seems unlikely to change substantially anytime soon, even as the economy recovers.

Chris Davey

I wonder if the use of the word friend in this instance maybe a suggestion of God's desire to draw all of us into relationship and that it is the man's silence which casts him out because he refuses to enter into that relationship, you could also suggest that in calling Judas friend Jesus is revealing the nature of God which longs for union with us.

John Petty

Hi Chris,

I agree that it's the man's silence that casts him out. If he's have said anything at all--that is, if he had in any way wanted to be in a relationship--he would have been fine.

As for "friend," I respect your point of view. As you probably know, there is considerable discussion on how "friend" is meant. I'm generally following Robert Capon on this, but you may indeed be right that the word is meant non-ironically rather than as ironic, which is the way I'm using it.

Thanks for your visit!

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