The Supreme Court will decide today on whether or not to take up appeals to the administration's health care law. This most predictable Court will take up the appeal, and they will rule against it on a vote of 5-4, probably some time next June.
Every time a major decision comes before the Court, the media act as if the conclusion were really in doubt, as if the Court didn't pretty much automatically side with corporations and money. Can anyone name a case where they didn't?
MORNING UPDATE: Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas were guests of honor last evening at a shindig sponsored by the Federalist Society. Sponsors of the dinner include the law firm that will be arguing the health care case before the Court. Other sponsors include the firm of Jones Day which represents one of the groups that challenged the law, the National Federation of Independent Business. Yet another sponsor was pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer
I'd feel bad for Obama on this if so much of the fix he's in wasn't his responsibility.
Posted by: Hypatia | November 16, 2011 at 12:50 PM
It's a Republican law. Leave it to the Republicans to overturn it?
Posted by: John Petty | November 22, 2011 at 12:55 PM