What Emma Sullivan's mom says:
“I raised my kids to be independent, to be strong, to be free thinkers. If she wants to tweet her opinion about Governor Brownback, I say for her to go for it and I stand totally behind her”
What Rush Marcus at the once-great Washington Post thinks:
Emma Sullivan, you’re lucky you’re not my daughter. (Dangerous sentence, I know: My daughters might agree.)
If you were my daughter, you’d be writing that letter apologizing to Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback for the smartalecky, potty-mouthed tweet you wrote after meeting with him on a school field trip.
Ms. Marcus lives in Washington, D.C., a city known for the Purity of Its Values and the Sweetness of its Speech, so perhaps it should not be surprising that Emma Sullivan's use of the word "suck" has given Marcus a case of the flutters. As Charles Pierce puts it:
Unless you are a nun, if you are over the age of 12, and you use the phrase "potty-mouthed" in a way that is not ironic, you should be removed gently from any mode of mass communication, handed a cookie and a glass of warm milk and a tranquilizer the size of an elephant's d***, (ed note: this is a family blog) and gently laid down on soft cushions until a bed can be found for you at the Premature Fogies Home.
Egads! What kind of journalist lectures the country on how they should have respect for authority?
What kind of journalist lectures the country on how they should have respect for authority?
Posted by: Cheap Air Jordan | December 01, 2011 at 01:47 AM