Surely we already knew that the political landscape was a little more contoured than the simple designations of "red" and "blue". We did, didn't we?
The recent Pew Research Center project, "Beyond Red and Blue", tried to fill in some blanks on the political typologies of Americans. This graph summarizes their main findings, but there are tons more.
What strikes me about this graph is that staunch conservatives are only at 10%. That 10% seems way over-represented in the media. Not only do they influence the major media centers, they even have their own network.
"Solid liberals" are, surprisingly, the largest single group. Reading the mainstream media, one would have thought they'd withered away by now--the streets now filled with thistles in the once-bustling burg of Liberalville. Not so, as it turns out.
Tons more at Pew. Take the survey yourself and see where you fit.