It wasn't until the 11th century that it became customary for Popes to change their name when they became Pope. John II had changed his name in AD 533. In AD 955, Octavian changed his name, also to John. It became more common after Octavian. By the 11th century, it was the norm.
Octavian, incidentally, was only 16 years old at his accession. He was a member of the Theophylact family which has been said to be the most powerful family in Rome. They had controlled the papacy for some time, but Octavian was the first actual member of the family to become Pope.
He wasn't exactly cut out for the job--notorious partyer would be another way to put it. Many stories circulated of his squalid and profligate behavior, some of which may even be true. Then again, he was only 16.
Ironic, too, that Octavian was also the given name of the Roman Emperor at the time of the birth of Jesus. We know him as Caesar Augustus.
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Posted by: Dotson20Shelia | September 28, 2012 at 10:35 AM