Alex Pareene is running a series at on the thirty worst columnists. Number 11 on his list is Washington Post columnist, George Will.
A distinguished politician once told me that he didn't like a certain university chancellor because the guy wore a bow-tie. I don't care for bow-ties myself, but try not to discriminate. Senator Paul Simon was a swell fellow and he wore a bow-tie, as does my fellow Lutheran, Martin Marty.
No, with George Will, there's more at stake than his sartorial challenges. The problem is that Will: a sanctimonious moralist, a pretentious hypocrite, a congenital liar and a boring pundit, to boot...
One could well add: insufferable prig, pompous know-it-all, sanctimonious elitist, neocon warmonger, craven apologist, cabbage-head, plutocrat shill, "cream-faced loon," and flaming hypocrite. (Yes, I know hypocrite is used twice. Underline it.)
Ever since he stole Jimmy Carter's briefing book, used it to coach Ronald Reagan before a debate, and then appeared on ABC to pronounce Reagan the winner of the debate, Will's been a consummate hack.
Oh, how we need columnist Mike Royko today. Royko took delight in mocking Will's pretensions. Once, at a press conference, Royko was talking about Will's tendency to drop literary names in his columns. To give an example, he read the first word of the most recent Will column: "Seutonius..." He could go no further because the press was laughing so hard. (He called Will a "sissy" once too, which is way over-the-top even if Will does wear a bow-tie.)